Friday, 2 November 2007

Lighting and Structures

We have done quite a bit of architectural reasearch prior to our final idea conclusion for this project... which can be seen on our group blog.....

As for lighting however...... when we went to Dennis Sever's house for research, we couldnt really find anything to relate to in terms of what we were considering for our project idea... but... we did find a few things here and there e.g. certain arch-like structure, etc. that could be usefull, but the main thing that DID actually catch our interest was the lighting around the house...

Throughout the house, there was lots of reaaaally Low level lighting, where only candels and slightly entering sunlight used to actually light up th rooms... so we started considering going for a similar affect...

Some pictures I took of a primary school playground at night... the way the lights light up certain parts of the playground and leave the rest in the dark seemed quite interesting to me... (I may re-take these pictures at a later time of night, to get the full dark look)

And some more artwork which contains a similar style of envirnment lighting that I think I might go for...

Im quite liking the blues being used to light up the envirnments... has a cold yet stylish feel to it...

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