I didn't know we couldn't upload .tiff format images onto eBlogger, so I wn't be able to put some of my earlier shots.....
To make the bottom floor i had shape up a cylinder to the exact shape of the outer edges which I had made for that floor... then split it up using the Polygon Split tool, and delete un-needed faces, along with th bottom half... so I was left with a flat cut up shape... which i then duplicated, combined with origiginal, extruded edges,aaand merged vertices.....
All that trouble jus for one floor.... and the majority of the room structure was like this to model....
All that trouble jus for one floor.... and the majority of the room structure was like this to model....
Creating the ceilings was probably the most hastling part of the modelling phase, because I had to make em by sizing up spheres to the round room layout, and then merge and shape vertices... all before having to move all the vertices into place.... and each individual ceiling section had to be done seperate......
The arched pillars you see wern't like that to start... at first they were alot more rounded... so I had to change that to make them more church feeling.....
The ceiling for the front section of the room (Below) had to be the worst out of all of em... even though by that time I was used to it... it still had a much stranger form to shape, and i ended up making it with a cylynder rather than a sphere like the other ceilings.....
As you can see above, the front ceiling had to be shape in an interesting way as it was to also partly be the window to the ships control room....
Next I had to cut out a whole for the door.... again by using Split Polygon and shaping up vertices......
The room so far.....
Next I added a texture to the wall (including bumpmapping), and shaped up the front window, together with ceiling pillars.....
As you might be noticing, theres random objects ebing placed into the scene.... these are jus things that i am modelling seperate, and placing in th scene as they progress, just so that i get an idea how the room would look......
Here Im trying out the head from our alien model as a guargoil head.... We decided to have these all across the ship... but in the pic above you can see the original size is waaaaaaaay to small......
I modelled some armour and a sword for the alien model to create a medievil looking alien statue..... then did some texture tests for it (when imported into room scene, they will be scaled up by quite a bit).......
The workstation and commander pod modelled, and semi-textured.....
The room really starting to take form....
Creating and tweaking hologram texture... with transparency and glow.....
Some more texturing... the pathways are now also using the same texture as the window areas at the front and bottom of room (Dome below the centralcommand area), and pillars are also textured......
I jus really like this render hehe...... I think Iv managed to get the hologram textures perfected now... all they need now are projectors!!!!..............
Deciding on wether to have lights on the outer rim of the room or on the floor.....
I wen't for the floor hehe......
Adding some aliens.... extra bits of detailing and textures here and there........
Waiting to be imported into final scene........
Pretty much close to completion for the rooms modelling, texturing and lighting.........
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