Friday, 2 November 2007

Existing Examples In Media Context


There are sooooooooo many games to look at for ideas to include in our own designs, both in the sci-fi and medievil/gothic church categories, especially due to the fact that most game include 3D envirnments themselves... so I'v tried to narrow my reasearch in this area down to a more specific level.

Sci Fi

In this category there were absolutely looaaaads to choose from... but here are the ones that caught my attention most... so far......

Phantasy Star Online

FR Online

Zone of the Enders (especially the 2nd game)


Metroid Prime

Gears of War (which also has some cathedral related themes in the level designs)

Metal Gear Solid

Final Fantasy


Again there where alot to choose from, but the ones that I thought had a more appropriate style to consider for our own personal work were as follows........

Devil May Cry (ALOT of good reference from this game)


World of Warcraft


Again there is alot of film reference to look at for sci-fi themed or medeivil church themed visuals, but Iv looked specifically for some control room/cockpit reference..... and Iv come across some good shots from The Matrix Reloaded.....

Outside the cockpit window of the control room, you can see the docking station which has that sense of vastness and overwhelming feel that we as a group were considering....

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