Friday, 2 November 2007

Inspirational Artwork

Before looking at other existing work within games and movies, where either the theme of sci-fi or church like visualisation is used strongly, I thought I'd go through some digital art and concept work so as to help get an intitial creative thought proccess going and figure out what type of styles I should consider looking at.

These images have a strong futuristic feel to them... they are a good reference for the use of imaginative shape and form, whilst also having great use of colour to create certain depth and atmosphere to the compositions...

The image above again has the futurtistic elements to it, but also has a sense of cuteness to it, which warms up the feel of the cold metalic imagery... this could be something to consider for our project...

To get the feeling of a church, we were considering designing our rooms within the spaceship to be quite vast and open, and create a slightly overwhelming appearance... some of the above artwork express this idea quite well...

And some cathedral-eque arwork that I think can help towards getting an idea on how to merge the the theme with sci-fi...

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